Franklin Delgado Works

Franklin Delgado

Franklin Delgado received his Masters of Fine Arts in Painting at Savannah College of Art and Design in the summer of 2016. Delgado, a native of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, lives and works as an art educator and visual artist in Augusta, Georgia. Delgado's work is born from engaged thinking and foundation, and depicts the world based on meticulous observation of contemporary life and nature. His portraits and landscapes present three-dimensional spaces and forms on a two-dimensional plane with precise, realistic detail.

When his first child was being formed in his wife’s womb, he realized how the sublime encounter of life itself, evolving day by day, spoke to his very process of drawing and painting. This unraveling experience led him to re-evaluate the way he lived and to deeply consider his way of thinking about the immensity of existence.

Delgado’s works are homages to love and the grandeur created with minute particles of matter both in life and art.

He has exhibited within the United States and internationally, at locations including The National Gallery of Art, Tegucigalpa, Honduras; National School of Fine Arts, Tegucigalpa, Honduras; S. Tucker Cooke Gallery, University of North Carolina, Asheville, North Carolina; Collins Art Gallery; The Davenport House Museum, Savannah, Georgia; Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Kalamazoo, Michigan; The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia; Westobou Art Gallery, Augusta, Georgia; Aiken Center for the Arts, Aiken, South Carolina; Gutstein Gallery, Savannah, Georgia, and more.